Islamic boarding school Tarbiyatul wildan was established by H. Mamduh Mastari on 1992. It was located in Sukamerta Village, Rawamerta District, Karawang West Java. The area of Tarbiyatul Wildan situated in 4 hectares. It is 15 km to Karawang, 59 km to Jakarta and 79km to Bandung.
Tarbiyatul Wildan Foundation carries out formal and non formal educational institutions, there are kindergarten, Madarasah Ibtidaiyyah Nihayatul Amal (primary School), Sekolah menengah Pertama( Yunior high School) and Sekolah menengah Kejuruan (Senior high School). The non formal institutions are Madarasah Diniyyah (Religious School) and Tahfidzul Qur’an (memorizing Al-Qur’an), both are operated under IBS Tarwil.
Tarbiyatul Wildan Foundation was established with purposes are to create Qur’an Generation Moslem who are pious and good character, to create Islamic practices in daily activities, and to create worship discipline.
The teachers of IBS-Tarwil are graduated from IBS around Java Island. The number of students IBS Tarwil is about 445 (male and female students). They come from different states in west java Indonesia.